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Employer members can: | Coder members can: |
Search the platform for a medical coder and use the CoderScore engine to supercharge recruiting efforts or do annual reviews on employed coders | Advertise themselves on the platform for employer searches and apply for and maintain a CoderScore (prerequisites apply) |
Employer Member
- Need to hire a medical coder, or conduct annual coder reviews? Join for free and let CoderScore® save you time (and money). Here’s how: rather than weed through resumes, direct all your applicants to CoderScore. We will rank them and return the results to you. With the best applicants illuminated —you can best decide how to spend your time. And, do 360 annual employee reviews in an unbiased manner.
Coder Member
- Want to get a CoderScore®? Join for free and get one now. Demonstrating your know-how is now a fair, data driven process that let’s you stand out in the crowd. Access the platform now to get your initial CoderScore® with ongoing event updates for one year. CoderScore® comes with an official certificate of scoring and is suitable for framing. You earned it–so put your number on it.
Become a Medical Coding Specialist
Certified Expert Professional Fee Generalist
Become a Certified Coder
- The Certified Expert Professional Fee Generalist (CEPFG) credential tests your real world coding ability just like employers do in pre-employment testing. The exam is on-demand, timed, and impossible to fake because it doesn’t offer multiple choice codes…you know how to code or you don’t. New coders without experience may get a CoderScore® with this certification. The credential is frameable.